More Success Stories
Coaching with me is about creating from the future (rather than the past) and living it now! Through a series of conversations, distinctions, and exercises, we uncover long-forgotten self-limiting beliefs holding you back; or uncover something that, seen from a slightly different perspective, reveals a whole new world of opportunity. From that place of freedom and insight, you look to the future to define and create the quality of life, results, and outcomes that inspire and engage you.
I’m proud to share these clients’ success stories. – Mickey
In my first coaching session with Mickey–and in less than half an hour– I had a major breakthrough with an issue I’d been struggling with for the past 6 years. Through questions and a simple exercises, he guided me to find the answer I had been looking for. I would highly recommend Mickey as a life coach to anyone who wants results. He’s simply a master.
Mickey Cohn is Transformative Life Coach EXTRAORDINAIRE!!! When a new acquaintance was talking to me about a lifestyle change and then she mentioned having worked with the most amazing man, something happened. I did not let her leave without first connecting me with this man she had very briefly shared had ‘really, really helped me!’
Two days later I was sitting down for the first conversation Mickey had invited me to have with him. I went to great lengths to have this conversation at this time and place (over FaceTime, in the treatment room of our store, in the middle of a relatively busy afternoon, with my daughter watching a movie three feet away) because I just ‘knew’ that this meeting was important!!! Boy! I had no REAL idea what this meant!!! During this initial conversation, I didn’t even realize what a tremendous energy shift was happening, because it seemed relatively subtle, but it was mind-blowing and life-changing in its SIGNIFICANCE!!! That was the day I was shot out of a cannon!!!
I kind of hurtled through time and space for the next few months. It was intensely lovely and challenging. I learned things about myself, relationships, learning, and transformation that I had no idea existed! I didn’t understand why no one had ever shared these transformative tools with me before. Believe me when I tell you, I have been on the path of self-discovery most of my life (I am 62!) and I had never been introduced to the type of work Mickey does. He has a true gift for guiding one to the crux of the matter and then sharing a way to deal with all of that crux!!!!
He is a guide, a mentor, and a fellow traveler willing to expose his own vulnerability in order to love and serve the transformational process he giftedly helps one navigate! Put your seatbelt on, prepare to humble yourself and take the journey of a lifetime. Mickey Cohn and his gift are worth having to do whatever you have to do to make it happen! Jump in without hesitation. Then open your mind and your heart and be willing- willing to dig deep, get down and dirty with yourself and experience the magic. Working with this master teacher is unlike any other work I have ever done and worth every single penny!!! As the woman who introduced us so wisely said “If I could afford one thing, it would be to work with Mickey every month for the rest of my life!!!” I wholeheartedly concur!!! Namaste!
Mickey is amazing. Really. Amazing. I went to see him thinking I knew what the core problem was with my business and what kind of help I wanted from him… what I discovered is that what you THINK the problem is doesn’t go nearly as deep as it REALLY is! If you have a roadblock in your business or in your personal life – call Mickey and get to work. The life you are seeking is right at your fingertips, grab it!
I must thank you for helping me find my clarity and attach to my purpose. I’m in tears of appreciation and excitement. In the last 36 hrs, I have added two team members, closed $600 in sales, and had two team members who disappeared come back full force. I cut 15 days off my timeline for my month-end goal so that I can enjoy my time when my husband comes home and it’s falling in place. Holy. Shit. (Sorry) thank you for your part in unlocking my heart to overcome my head!
I discovered my life’s purpose and I have increased my zest and vitality for life, my work, and my dreams. I highly recommend working with Mickey.
Since meeting with Mickey, I have been able to change my thought process on things. The changes I have made and the new way of thinking and doing things have made such a difference for me in my personal life and business. That’s the transformation! I’m so happy and thankful that I had the opportunity to work with him.
His coaching is invaluable. If you want to live a life with purpose, I would suggest you invest in yourself and come see Mickey.
The Coaching Process in Three Steps

Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Conversation
We’ll discuss your current reality, the challenges you are facing, and the places where things are not working. We’ll also identify your goals, outcomes, and the ideal business and life you desire. At that point, you and I will assess whether this is something you want to explore further.

Your Program for Success Proposal
I propose a program for your success.
You choose to invest in YOU.
You are ALL In, fully committed to yourself and creating the life you desire.

Create Clarity, Discover New Paths, Achieve Goals
You experience higher levels of clarity, confidence, and success. You become more focused and directed, engaged, enthusiastic, expressed and connected.